轻忆教育 英语学习 背单词不再枯燥,掌握记忆法,让你迅速记忆单词!


Are you tired of the usual boring and ineffective metho…

Are you tired of the usual boring and ineffective methods of memorizing English vocabulary? Do you find yourself struggling to remember words for exams or in daily conversations? Well, fret no more! There are several techniques that you can use to make vocabulary memorization more enjoyable and effective.

Chunking: Breaking Words Into Smaller Pieces

One of the most effective techniques for memorizing vocabulary is chunking. This technique involves breaking up a word into smaller pieces and then memorizing them separately. For example, rather than trying to memorize the word “unbelievable” as a whole, you can break it down into “un-”, “be”, “liev”, and “able”. This makes it easier to remember the word and its meaning.

Mnemonic Devices: Associating Words to Familiar Objects

Using mnemonic devices is another technique that can help you remember new vocabulary. This involves creating a memory aid that associates the new word with something familiar. For instance, you can associate the word “arduous”, which means difficult, with the image of a mountain climber struggling up a steep hill. The more ridiculous the association, the better it will stick in your mind!

Flashcards: The Classic Way

The classic flashcard method is still an effective way to memorize new vocabulary. You can make your own flashcards or use apps like Quizlet or Anki to create digital flashcards. Flashcards help to reinforce your memory of a word through repetition, as you review the cards over and over again until you can recall the word and its meaning instantly.

Contextual Learning: Learning Words In Context

Learning words in the context of a sentence or passage is another effective technique for memorizing vocabulary. This technique allows you to understand how the word is used in a sentence, which makes it easier to remember its meaning. You can practice contextual learning by reading English literature, news articles, or even watching English-language movies or TV shows.

Gamification: Making Learning Fun

Finally, making the process of memorizing vocabulary fun is an excellent way to motivate yourself and make the learning process more enjoyable. You can use games like Scrabble, Boggle or even online vocabulary quizzes to reinforce your memory of new words. There are also apps like Memrise and Duolingo that use gamification to make learning new words more fun and engaging.


In conclusion, memorizing English vocabulary no longer has to be a boring and tedious task. With these techniques, you can make the process more enjoyable and effective. Whether you choose to use chunking, mnemonic devices, flashcards, contextual learning, or gamification – or a combination of these techniques – the key is to find what works best for you and to make the process of learning new words a fun and engaging experience!

So, what are you waiting for? Give these techniques a try and start improving your English vocabulary today!


作者: 轻忆教育



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