轻忆教育 英语学习 轻松掌握初中英语单词!图解速记法教你学单词


Do you struggle with remembering English words during y…

Do you struggle with remembering English words during your studies? Do you find it hard to memorize new vocabulary? Well, fear not! We have a simple and effective method to help you master those tricky English words. Introducing the Picture Memory Technique – a fun and engaging way to learn and remember new words.

Breaking Down the Picture Memory Technique:
1. Association
2. Imagination
3. Visualization
4. Repetition

Our brains are wired to remember things that are associated with other things. For example, you may remember someone’s name by associating it with a specific physical feature like their hair color or height. The same concept applies to learning new words. Try to associate new words with things you already know. For instance, you can associate the word “book” with the color blue or the word “apple” with a basket of fruits.

Imagination is a powerful tool that can help you remember things more easily. When you imagine something, your brain creates a vivid image that is more memorable than bland information. This technique is particularly useful when it comes to learning abstract words like “justice” or “freedom.” Use your imagination to create an image that represents the word in your mind. For example, you can imagine a judge holding scales of justice when trying to remember the word “justice.”


Visualization is the ability to create a mental image of something. It’s a powerful technique that can help you remember words by creating a visual representation of the word in your mind. For instance, when trying to remember the word “telescope,” picture yourself looking through a telescope and seeing faraway stars.

Repetition is the key to mastering any skill, and learning new vocabulary is no different. Repetition means going over the new words again and again until they become a part of your long-term memory. You can use flashcards or online quizzes to practice new words regularly.

In summary, the Picture Memory Technique is an effective way to learn and remember new words. By using association, imagination, visualization, and repetition, you can make the learning process fun and engaging. So what are you waiting for? Start applying these techniques to your studies and see how quickly you can master those tricky English words!

Associated – Imagined – Visualized – Repeated


作者: 轻忆教育



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