轻忆教育 英语学习 轻松掌握语言技巧,如何巧记单词?


Are you struggling to expand your vocabulary and rememb…

Are you struggling to expand your vocabulary and remember new words? Do you find it difficult to retain the meanings of different words? Well, worry no more because there is a unique method that can help you easily master language skills and remember new words – the word association technique.

The word association technique is a memory aid that helps individuals remember new words and their meanings by associating them with familiar objects or experiences. This technique can help you improve your vocabulary and language skills, making communication a lot easier.

Here are some simple steps on how to use the word association technique to remember new words easily:

Step 1: Identify a word you want to remember


The first step to using the word association technique is to identify the word you want to remember and its meaning. Make sure you understand the meaning of the word before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Create an association

The next step is to create an association between the word and something you are familiar with. For example, if you want to remember the word “conundrum,” you could associate it with a puzzle that you struggled to solve. This association will help you remember the word “conundrum” and its meaning.

Step 3: Repeat the association

Repetition is key when it comes to mastering new words. Repeat the association several times until you can easily remember the word and its meaning without any difficulties.

Step 4: Use the word in context

Using the word in context can help you remember the word and its meaning for a long time. Try to use the new word in a sentence or a conversation, and this will help you retain the word and its meaning for a long time.

Now that you understand how to use the word association technique let’s look at some practical examples of how you can use this technique to remember new words easily:

1. Use familiar sounds

Associating a new word with a familiar sound can help you remember the word easily. For instance, if you want to remember the word “catastrophic,” you can associate it with the sound of a cat meowing.

2. Use visual cues

Visual cues can help you remember new words easily. You can associate a new word with a visual cue like a picture or an object. For example, if you want to remember the word “prolific,” you can associate it with a picture of a tree with many fruits.

3. Use personal experiences

Using personal experiences to remember new words is an effective way to use the word association technique. For example, if you want to remember the word “indifferent,” you can associate it with a person who shows no interest in what you are saying or doing.

4. Use opposites

Associating a new word with its opposite can help you remember the word and its meaning. For instance, if you want to remember the word “laconic,” you can associate it with the opposite of verbose or talkative.


The word association technique is a powerful tool that can help you remember new words and improve your language skills. By associating new words with familiar objects, sounds, or experiences, you can easily remember new words and their meanings. Remember to repeat the associations several times and use the words in context to retain the information for a long time. So why not start using this memory aid to improve your vocabulary and language skills today!

CTA: Start practicing the word association technique today and improve your language skills!


作者: 轻忆教育



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